- random fact #1: there are two hundred and fifty one towns in vermont.
- random fact #2: the town of lewis, in the northeast kingdom, is the hardest town to find as it has no highways, definitive markers, or people. the town is home to moose, bear, fisher cats, and other wildlife.
- random fact #3: there is a club is dedicated to exploring each and everyone of these communities, aptly named the 251 club. it costs $7 to join and operates on the honor system.
- random fact #4: i will be joining immediately. this might be the greatest, most aspirational to do list of all time. and you know i love a to do list.
in case you were wonderfing the 251 to do list towns are:
addison, albany, alburgh, andover, arlington, athens, averill, bakersfield, baltimore, barnard, barnet, barre city, barre town, barton, belvidere, bennington, benson, berkshire, berlin, bethel, bloomfield, bolton, bradford, braintree, brandon, brattleboro, bridgewater, bridport, brighton, bristol, brookfield, brookline, brownington, brunswick, burke, burlington, cabot, calais, cambridge, canaan, castleton, cavendish, charleston, charlotte, chelsea, chester, chittenden, clarendon, colchester, concord, corinth, cornwall, coventry, craftsbury, danby, danville, derby, dorset, dover, dummerston, duxbury, east haven, east montpelier, eden, elmore, enosburg, essex, fair haven, fairfax, fairfield, fairlee, fayston, ferdinand, ferrisburg, fletcher, franklin, georgia, glastenbury, glover, goshen, grafton, granby, grand isle, granville, greensboro, groton, guildhall, guilford, halifax, hancock, hardwick, hartford, hartland, highgate, hinesburg, holland, hubbardton, huntington, hyde park, ira, irasburg, isle, la motte, jamaica, jay, jericho, johnson, killington, kirby, landgrove, leicester, lemington, lewis, lincoln, londonderry, lowell, ludlow, lunenburg, lyndon, maidstone, manchester, marlboro, marshfield, mendon, middlebury, middlesex, middletown springs, milton, monkton, montgomery, montpelier, moretown, morgan, morristown, mount holly, mount tabor, new haven, newark, newbury, newfane, newport city, newport town, north hero, northfield, norton, norwich, orange, orwell, panton, pawlet, peacham, peru, pittsfield, pittsford, plainfield, plymouth, pomfret, poultney, pownal, proctor, putney, randolph, reading, readsboro, richford, richmond, ripton, rochester, rockingham, roxbury, royalton, rupert, rutland city, rutland town, ryegate, saint albans, city, saint albans town, saint george, saint johnsbury, salisbury, sandgate, searsburg, shaftsbury, sharon, sheffield, shelburne, sheldon, shoreham, shrewsbury, somerset, south burlington, south hero, springfield, stamford, stannard, starksboro, stockbridge, stowe, strafford, stratton, sudbury, sunderland, sutton, swanton, thetford, tinmouth, topsham, townshend, troy, tunbridge, underhill, vergennes, vernon, vershire, victory, waitsfield, walden wallingford, waltham, wardsboro, warren, washington, waterbury, waterford, waterville, weathersfield, wells, west fairlee, west haven, west rutland, west windsor, westfield, westford, westminster, westmore, weston, weybridge, wheelock, whiting, whitingham, williamstown, williston, wilmington, windham, windsor, winhall, winooski, wolcott, woodbury, woodford, woodstock and worcester.