holy vegetables!

i have a new favorite thing about vermont: CSA shares.

perhaps i am on the real slow boat in discovering such a phenomenon, but i am beyond excited to sign up this spring. (admittedly, my excitement levels could have something to do with my recent crankiness over the cost of good vegetables and last night's spirited debate on health care reform and the wellbeing of our country) regardless, this is the best thing ever.
so, what the heck is a csa? well, community supported agriculture (CSA) is the name of a relationship between farmers and subscription consumers. this direct sale opportunity invites consumers to directly support a farm or group of farms by enrolling in a seasonal share in the farms’ operations. while details differ from farm to farm, csa shares are usually purchased for a set price early in the season in exchange for weekly boxes of mixed produce (which can be picked up at the farm or at a selected drop off location) the partnership allows regular people like us to share in the seasonal produce that these farms work so hard for. so, it's local, it's fresh, it's healthy - and with the selection of products changing weekly, you are forced to go outside your foodie comfort zone. so fennel and radiccio and cauliflower, here i come!

click here for a list of vermont csa's. decisions, decisions...

John Anderson  – (January 1, 2011 at 10:33 AM)  

Hi Author
Thanks for keeping the blog! I've been watching a bit and enjoy your posts.

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