tuesday shoesday: forcing spring

so friends, as you may know, yesterday was the first day of spring. yes, believe it or not, it was! here in vermont the snow and sleet came down with reckless abdanon and made us use every bit of inner sunshine to get through the day. you know what else helped? these summery little numbers from the queen of all things summer - lilly pulitzer. you know what else helped? staying up until all hours of the night riding my closet of all grey and black, wool and velvet and any shoe that dares cover my ankles. until this morning when i had nothing to wear. whoops.

Lady Grey  – (March 22, 2011 at 12:28 PM)  

I think I need to get rid of the darks in my closet too... even if we're also still getting tons of snow in Montreal as well!

Anonymous –   – (March 22, 2011 at 2:59 PM)  

ooooh i too must rid myself of all things dreary that are currently living in my closet. pinks and patterns will get me through the snowy ikky days of march, right?

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